Erol Wiki
Stryder Hayabasa

Stryder Hayabusa is the main rp character of Leogian4511.  He is a highly advanced ninja from a futuristic time. He is currently a c-class strider (the lowest class). As a strider he posses superhuman speed and strength of an entire squad of special forces.


Kunai-Stryder carries a set of kunai in a sheath strapped to his right shoulder, opposite of his Climb Sickle. They are used to quickly strike at enemies at long distance or who are otherwise difficult to approach. 

Cipher-It's a legendary sword passed down that for some reason Stryder can't unlock until he reaches a certain amount of power. For now it functions no differently from a normal katana.

Climb Sickle- It is simply used to climb up walls and hang off of ceilings.

Abilities and Skills

